oo on closer inspection looks like there might also be something like "I did it on ...bike" and an upstanding cock at the bottom right too! oh deary me
Ok, this is it. The one says "Rock on". The other says "Hay man I did it on your bike" mmm mebee someone shagged on your bike or masturbated on it, hence the pick of a cock. Although the "Hay man" could be seperate.
hmm i don't know if i see the word 'your' on the box. if anyone did anything of the sort on my bike they must have been very discrete. perish the thought.
i think part of it says
"hay man rock on"
ah i see that now. although the 'hay man' looks like different handwriting to the 'rock on'?
oo on closer inspection
looks like there might also be something like
"I did it on ...bike"
and an upstanding cock at the bottom right too!
oh deary me
you're definitely right! ha it's so funny to see how many readings we can have of this until we fully decipher it.
it think the one is "hey man i did it on bike [penis]"
that's it
Ok, this is it. The one says "Rock on". The other says "Hay man I did it on your bike" mmm mebee someone shagged on your bike or masturbated on it, hence the pick of a cock. Although the "Hay man" could be seperate.
hmm i don't know if i see the word 'your' on the box. if anyone did anything of the sort on my bike they must have been very discrete. perish the thought.
maybe, first one wrote
"i did it on your bike" and drew penis
someone saw that, and then wrote
"rock on"
ha that sounds very plausible actually.
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